Larry is on his high horse again, bossing people around.
拉里又盛气凌人了, 又开始乱支派别人了.
互联网While seating herself at the piano, she appeared to be on her high horse.
当她坐在钢琴旁边的时候, 显出目空一切的样子.
——《现代汉英综合大词典》Get a grip. Be gracious and lovely and get off your high horse.
婚前的紧张于你就像骑着一批高头快马,赶快勒住缰绳, 优雅而可爱地下马吧.
互联网Gabrielle: Don't get on your high horse with me. I know what's good for me.
加布里埃尔: 不要在我面前摆架子. 我知道甚麽适合自己.
互联网There was some disagreement, and she got on her high horse.
出现某些不同意见, 她就生气.
互联网Mary was on her high horse at the picnic telling everyone what to do.
互联网Don't ride the high horse.
互联网After his mother died he came down off his high horse.
互联网You know you screwed up this time! Get off your high horse and admit your mistake!
你知道你这次搞砸了. 放下架子承认错误吧!
互联网Brendan: Hey, why don't your get off you high horse ? You're no better than me.
布兰登: 喂, 你省省吧. 你跟我是半斤八两.
互联网She appeared to be on her high horse to - night.
辞典例句He is on his high horse these days.
英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语He is a bit too fond of mounting the high horse.
互联网Nancy came down off her high horse and make friends with them.
互联网Down from your high horse.
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